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Gallatin National Forest

Here is an e-mail I received from Citzens For Balanced Use.It seems like the Forest Service is going to do whatever they want no mater what anyone says even a federal judge.

Dear Mark,

The following is an excerpt from Judge Molloy's ruling on the CBU case against the Forest Service regarding the 2006 GNF Travel Plan.

"IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Forest Service is enjoined from the
continued implementation of the Travel Plan, and this matter is remanded to the
agency for further proceedings consistent with the Montana Wilderness Study Act.
Such proceedings should begin with reference to the Montana Congressional
delegation for action or advice as to the proper resolution of Congress' 1977 stated
intention to resolve which part of the Study Area is wilderness and which is not."

The following statement is from the appeal decision from Region 1 on the Beaverhead Deerlodge National Forest Management Plan.

"Until Congress acts, the law requires the FS to protect wilderness character and allow continuation of uses in place prior to 1977."

The Forest Service in the Gallatin has been ordered by the court to stop implementation of the GNF Travel Plan inside the HPBH WSA and Region 1 has acknowledged that when the WSA was created that all existing uses prior to 1977 would remain.

Last week we received heavy snowfall in the Bozeman area and the Forest Service found themselves scrambling to close additional areas of snowmobiling in the GNF. The Forest Service released an interim map of a small area of the Southwest portion of the HPBH WSA that is shown to close another 13,000 acres or so of the HPBH WSA to snowmobiling and leave a mere 2700 acres of heavily timbered area open out of 155,000 acres. This action flies in the face of the ruling by Judge Molloy and also the congressional intent of the Wilderness Study Act which clearly states that the USES allowed prior to 1977 would remain.

During the comment and appeal process CBU provided the GNF clear evidence of historic use prior to 1977 including pictures, affidavits, documents from Forest Service employees that monitored use in this area along with their log book records and we also presented actual literature printed and distributed by the Forest service in 1969 that advertised the HPBH as open to snowmobiles including the 1969 map. The Forest Service is now stating that they have no way of proving any historic use of the HPBH and their only option, to comply with Judge Molloy's ruling, is to close additional areas of the HPBH.

I have no idea why the Forest service in the Gallatin has engaged in these mis-truths and deception. I have provided the media with the information CBU presented to the Forest Service documenting the historic use of the HPBH and our hope is that the Forest Service will change their direction of additional closures and hidden agendas.

When Judge Molloy released his decision on the CBU litigation, I called the GNF Supervisor's office to schedule a meeting to discuss the ruling and how it would affect the winter use in the Gallatin and try to work with the Forest Service on the plan for this winter. The Supervisor's office informed me that the Supervisor would not have time to meet with CBU for more than a month from the time of my call and I am still waiting for that meeting which is scheduled with her on November 30th.

I take these actions as a complete disregard for the people and the deception from the Forest Service is unacceptable. The new interim map for winter use in the Gallatin is just another blatant example of how the Forest Service will do anything and say anything to close additional roads, trails and areas to multiple use.

Wait until the new summer use plan comes out next spring as the bicycles will find themselves completely locked out of this area because there is no evidence of historic bicycle use in the HPBH WSA prior to 1977. Unless something changes we are on a path of complete closure to recreation in the Gallatin National Forest and many forests just like the Gallatin across the state. Call your congress today and express your thoughts as to these actions by our federal agencies.

Kerry White
Citizens for Balanced Use
Having seen some of the travel planning from the inside and the way the Lewis & Clark NF went about it, the FS pretty much thinks they can do what ever they want. There are things being implemented ont he Lewis & Clark that are in the new travel plan even though the travel plan has cleared litigation yet. There were parts of the travel plan that the motorized and wilderness groups agreed on with the Lewis & Clark and then the Forest went and did their own thing anyway. Talking to people on the "inside" that are just as disgusted with it all the groups like the CBU and BRC should file a "class action lawsuit" against the FS...that may carry more wieght than trying to stop the travel plan. There is an article in the most recent SnowTEch magazine about lawsuits going on right now against the FS and 2"Regional Supervisors" over the Badger-Two Medicine closures...check it out!
Yup, they think they (the FS) "own" OUR public forests..time to give the FS the boot and let the state manage its own resources...
All these insane closures just pisses people off and when you attend meetings where 99% of the people DONT want the closures and the FS closes the area anyway....Its time to say SC REW YOU !!! This stuff is INSANE !!
It is about federal control of state lands ..period... they dont want any travel of any kind on "there" land. Well I got news for ya...time to start cutting locks and riding where and when we want...I have had enough of this crap they are feeding us. :mad::mad::mad:
There's a way to get the Feds to reverse all of this. And, you don't have
to threaten anyone personally. You just have to come up with the right
threat. But, merely mentioning it, would get you a special visit at home.

When everything is closed, someone/some group, will come up with the answer.
Here is an article from the Bozeman News Channel. This was on the news last night. I think it is good to have this keep coming up so the public is aware of that this is more than just Yellowstone.


Gallatin National Forest limiting snowmobile use

Posted: Nov 16, 2009 05:27 PM MST

Updated: Nov 16, 2009 06:04 PM MST

Gallatin National Forest limiting snowmobile use

The Gallatin National Forest is severely limiting snowmobile use in a wilderness study area south of Hyalite this winter.

Gallatin National Forest officials say they are not happy at all to issue the new restrictions.

"The Forest Service felt we had no other option than to further reduce snowmobile use to comply with the court order,” Marna Daley said.

"There's going to be a lot of very upset people,” Kerry White of Citizens for Balanced Use said.

Here's why snowmobilers are so angry - the area where snowmobiles are allowed in the Wilderness Study Area will be 85 percent smaller this winter. That means the area is down from 18,000 acres to just a 2,700-acre play area.

Bob Ekey of the Wilderness Society calls this land "a world class wildlife habitat."

"There's a whole lot of area, especially west of highway 191, south of Big Sky, that's open to snowmobiling. There's plenty of opportunity. So in the context of the whole forest it's not that significant,” Ekey said. "This is one place where we think that we would prefer to have it be wilderness, for human and horse-powered recreation only."

White says his group will appeal the rule to the ninth circuit court. Old Forest Service brochures, pictures and statements from riders show the area has long been used buy snowmobilers and that use should be preserved, White said. Ekey says records provided by snowmobilers themselves show most use in the 1970s was west of 191.

"They really didn't show much interest or show much use in the Gallatin Range,” Ekey said.

"Because the Forest Service doesn't have actual use numbers for what was occurring in 1977 when the Montana Wilderness Study Act was passed, we don't know how many snowmobiles, how many motorcycles, how many mountain bikes. We don't have that finite information,” Daley said.

That's why the Forest Service says its restrictive new rules will take effect in just a few weeks.

- John Sherer reporting for Z7 in Bozeman
molloy is such a piece of ......


November 25, 2009

For Immediate Release
Kerry White
Citizens for Balanced Use
Appeal filed with 9th Circuit
Gallatin National Forest Plan Revision
Multiple Use Groups Appeal Gallatin Recreation Closure To Ninth Circuit
November 25, 2009
For Immediate Release
Contact: Kerry White 406-600-4228

Bozeman - Today Citizens for Balanced Use (CBU), the Gallatin Valley Snowmobile Association, Big Sky Snowriders and Dr. Kenneth Zahn filed a Notice of Appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to appeal a ruling by United States District Court Judge Donald Molloy that closed recreation in the Hyalite-Porcupine Buffalo Horn Wilderness Study Area.
The ruling by Judge Molloy stated the Gallatin National Forest Travel Plan issued in December, 2006 violated the Montana Wilderness Study Act by allowing too much motorized recreation in the Wilderness Study Area. Following that ruling, the Gallatin National Forest issued an interim management plan that drastically cut snowmobile winter use on this popular recreation area.
"We are tired of losing recreation access," Kerry White, executive co-chairman of CBU, said. "The Judge and the Forest Service have closed off areas that we have been riding in since the 1960's because they mis-applied the law. Our members will not stop fighting this issue until fairness and multiple use return to the Forest."
The ruling by Judge Molloy stated that the Forest Service did not demonstrate how its 2006 Travel Plan complied with the Wilderness Study Act's requirement that future management maintain the wilderness character of this area as it existed in 1977, when the Act was passed. The Judge implied this is a nearly impossible management requirement, because the Forest Service has not provided a base line "wilderness character" estimate from 1977.
"The Hyalite-Porcupine Buffalo Horn was never intended to be locked up or off-limits to motorized recreation. The law and its legislative history required continuation of multiple use and recreation," CBU's attorney Cory Swanson stated. "The Judge's ruling does not give us the continued right to use the land that we have traditionally used. We have no choice but to appeal and seek an interpretation in accordance with Congress's original intent."
Swanson also agreed with Judge Molloy's statement that Congress should have acted on this study plan many years ago. Molloy noted in his order that the original mandate to maintain the 1977 wilderness character of this area was supposed to last less than a decade, and it has now been in limbo for 32 years.
"We recognize and agree with Judge Molloy's frustration that Congress has not acted to release this land from its study status," White said. "But until Congress acts, we will keep fighting to maintain the balanced and traditional recreation in this area that we believe the law requires."
Citizens for Balanced Use
Complete winter closure of the HPBH WSA

Dear Mark,

The Forest Service, not satisfied with the 50 to 60 percent closure of the Gallatin National Forest to multiple use through the Travel Plan, has now closed the entire 155,000 acres of the Hyalite Porcupine Buffalo Horn Wilderness Study Area to winter over snow vehicles.

The snowmobile community was able to ride on approximately 18,000 acres of the HPBH in the 2008-2009 season after the release of the Travel Plan but last week the Forest Service released a special order reducing this area to 2700 acres in the upper Portal Creek area. The 2700 acres the Forest service is allowing open riding is heavily timbered and provides no off trail riding experience.

Prior to the 2006 release of the GNF Travel Plan the entire 155,000 acres of the HPBH WSA was open to winter snowmobile use.

The Forest Service has not addressed the summer access issue in the HPBH WSA but CBU is confident that the same complete multiple use closure will be implemented next spring. This closure will surely include both motorized and mechanized use.

The fine being imposed for violating this closure has been set at 5000 dollars per individual and 10,000 dollars per organization with jail time set at up to 6 months. The Forest Service is engaged in public intimidation with fines of this nature. Even riding in a designated wilderness does not impose fines this excessive.

CBU has continued to try and work with the Forest Service to provide a balance of opportunities for people to enjoy the outdoors. Precious places shared with friends and families are continuing to be closed and there is no end in sight. The trend is towards the removal of all people from Federally managed public land. Less than 3 percent of the public recreates in wilderness yet the Forest Service continues to make policy to create defacto wilderness and circumvent the legislative and public process.

Senator Tester's new wilderness bill, S1470, extends into the Gallatin National Forest and will close some of the most valued snowmobile area in the Buck Creek. Couple Tester's new proposed wilderness in Buck Creek with the closure this week of the HPBH WSA and the 50 percent reduction to snowmobiles in the GNF Travel Plan and the public will soon find there is no where to recreate in the Gallatin National Forest.

I hope that folks write or call their legislators, submit a letter to the editor of your local paper, call or write to the agencies, or help in some way to stop the continued onslaught of closure after closure to multiple uses of our public lands!

It is very clear that the Forest Service is now an agenda driven agency and has lost its direction of multiple use and management for the benefit of the people.

Kerry White
Citizens for Balanced Use
Arghhhh.....INSANE....with fines like that it means there is NFW i'm going to stop for any FS guys period !! Good luck catching someone 25 miles in the backcountry. ;)

In the last few years I have lost ALL respect for the forest service. Its time for them to go the way of the dodo bird......
Anyone find out any more information on this, meant to make it to the meeting last night, but was unable to make it. This is getting rediculous!!

I think everyone needs to start spending a little more money fighting this crap than spending it on new sleds, as there aren't going to be any places to ride them pretty quick. It sucks for sure, but it may be what it takes!
We have to watch our Forest service, there are a lot of lefty libs that work in our ranger districts. Sounds like you are doing the right thing, try to make them accountable. Because they seem to think that it is there land. Keep up your hard work.
Yup, they think they (the FS) "own" OUR public forests..time to give the FS the boot and let the state manage its own resources...
All these insane closures just pisses people off and when you attend meetings where 99% of the people DONT want the closures and the FS closes the area anyway....Its time to say SC REW YOU !!! This stuff is INSANE !!
It is about federal control of state lands ..period... they dont want any travel of any kind on "there" land. Well I got news for ya...time to start cutting locks and riding where and when we want...I have had enough of this crap they are feeding us. :mad::mad::mad:

PLEASE, PLEASE do not cut locks and ride where and when you want. That will just make it worse for all of us. I feel your frustration but cutting locks will just give the enviromentalists more bullets for the gun they are going to shoot us all with. Take 10 minutes and email your elected congress official about it. Congress has a link where you can type in your zip code and it'll tell you who your congress person is. Then you can type a comment to them thru the internet. You'll find it. Keep it civil and professional and let them know that you are a tax paying citizen that enjoys snowmobiling and promotes respectful land use by all parties. THANKS
Sorry but I have been through this in Arizona when I lived down there some years ago. Areas I have hunted for years closed...and yes I wrote 100's of letters, joined every group I could. Went to every meeting......and guess what?? Even with 500+people at a FS meeting with 99% aganist closure they close it anyway. This is gotten way past the point of just letter writing and doing nothing. When the feds listen to the minority just because they scream the loudest and threaten to sue over every small issue...its time for people to just start ignoring the stupid,rediculous,assinine Forest Service Regs about land closure.
They stopped the logging,put 1000's out of work,introduced wolves that kill my cattle,not to mention the deer and elk. Heck its gettin to the point that just seeing a elk is amazing. Let tens of thousands of burnt trees just rot on the ground and not be harvested. Dont even get me started of there insane fire regulations. Stopped mineing valuable resources,cant drill for oil so its 4 bucks a gallon. Its all just the insane greenie leaf-lickers and eco-a$$holes.
You know what?? I have had more than my fill of these nuts, and i'm just not going to sit back and watch these people ruin MY LAND. If the goverment grows a nutsack and starts doing whats right and telling the fag hippies to go jump off a cliff maybe I will back off a bit, but for now its bolt cutters and chainsaws.....:spy::spy::mad2::mad2:
PLEASE, PLEASE do not cut locks and ride where and when you want. That will just make it worse for all of us. I feel your frustration but cutting locks will just give the enviromentalists more bullets for the gun they are going to shoot us all with. Take 10 minutes and email your elected congress official about it. Congress has a link where you can type in your zip code and it'll tell you who your congress person is. Then you can type a comment to them thru the internet. You'll find it. Keep it civil and professional and let them know that you are a tax paying citizen that enjoys snowmobiling and promotes respectful land use by all parties. THANKS

I usually follow the rules and I'm not telling anyone to cut locks but tip toeing around the greenies does no good. You follow the rules, don't ride the wilderness and guess what.....they close more area the following year. No matter how much greenie azz you kiss, they will still work their azzes off to close more land. I have written letters, called congress men and women, setup booths at expos promoting balanced use and the forest service still stayed true to their agenda and closed some of the best riding around here. I'm sorry but I'm over it and I'm going to ride while I still can. Ride hard and enjoy the land your tax dollars support.
I was just in the NFS Office here in Billings. I was asking for a map of a certain area to help me in staying out of the proposed wilderness area. No such luck - they don’t know for sure where the areas are. (at least this office) Raises a question - How can they prosecute you if they don’t know where you can and can’t ride Does that leave Fish Guts judge and jury??? I don’t think so. I for one have the resources and will fight, if fined, for riding in an area that they themselves can’t define. I don’t want to break any laws but if they can’t tell me where the boundaries are how am I to know.
I usually follow the rules and I'm not telling anyone to cut locks but tip toeing around the greenies does no good. You follow the rules, don't ride the wilderness and guess what.....they close more area the following year. No matter how much greenie azz you kiss, they will still work their azzes off to close more land. I have written letters, called congress men and women, setup booths at expos promoting balanced use and the forest service still stayed true to their agenda and closed some of the best riding around here. I'm sorry but I'm over it and I'm going to ride while I still can. Ride hard and enjoy the land your tax dollars support.

Yep, I totally agree. I have been following the rules, writing my letters and preaching to people to do the same....for WHAT??? We still lose land and today at an alarming rate. Screw um, I'm done. You can fine me if you can catch me A-Holes. I think it's time we rise up and I don't mean being sneaky chicken chets trying not to get caught riding in a closed area. Maybe if they go back to the office enough times with black eyes something will happen...will it be for the good???? but at least they'll start getting A message.
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