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Anyone Hunt or Fish in Washington? SB5127 SUCKS!!



Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
Arlington Wa. USA
Oppose SSB 5127‏

Sent: Sun 3/08/09 1:47 PM

Early in February, we warned you about Senate Bill 5127, an attempt to silence your voice in Washington’s fisheries management by gutting the Fish and Wildlife Commission’s authority to manage our fisheries. Despite your overwhelming opposition as shown by your 4,600 e-mails and letters, this dangerous bill has passed out of the Natural Resources Committee and was actually made worse.

Attached is a comprehensive summary of the specific changes Substitute Senate Bill (SSB) 5127 would enact. The goal of SSB 5127 is to take power from the people of the state and the Commission and centralize it in one committee of the Senate in order to better serve influential commercial fishing interests. These same interests are pushing this bill through so they can reverse the science and conservation-based approach of your current Fish and Wildlife Commissioners.

The vote of the people formed the Fish and Wildlife Commission. Not only would SSB 5127 end the Fish & Wildlife Commission as you know it, but the bill contains an emergency clause that prohibits citizens from gathering signatures to put it on the ballot for a vote of the people. Does this sound like they respect democracy? Are they looking out for you or the needs of the resource?

Do not allow this power grab by a select few succeed in undoing the Commission or your ability to have a say in the management of our fish and wildlife resources. You can sit by and watch, or you can make your voice be heard. Click on the link below to take action now!

Click the link below to take action on this issue.:
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Nov 26, 2007
Snoqualmie, WA
Emails sent. Washington has some of the most f'ed up fish and game regs. I moved to Washington in 2004 from Alaska and I haven't been hunting yet. Trying to figure out when and where I can hunt in this state sucks. If anyone on here has any open space on a modern rifle deer hunt next fall let me know. I am really missing my venison.

BTW, what is up with this archery, black powder, modern rifle seasons. In AK the season opens, you shoot something and you go home. It doesn't matter what you are shooting.
Nov 26, 2007
Snoqualmie, WA
I received a reply on one of my emails. Hopefully this will cause him to look at this more closely.


Thank you for contacting my office to express your concerns with SB 5127. I appreciate hearing your views very much.

As I do not serve on the committee where the bill was heard and have not been involved in fish and wildlife issues, I have not had the opportunity to review this bill as yet. Hearing your perspective is especially useful.

I will admit that I have been biased in favor of the bill. The widely reported challenges and personnel changes suggested intervention might be appropriate. Further, the current budget crisis has the Legislaure looking at elimination of boards and commissions, consolidation of agencies and general downsizing.

I look forward to hearing more about this bill when it comes before me on the Floor of the Senate.

Again, thank you for contacting me with your comments.

Take care.

Fred Jarrett
State Senator
41st Legislative District


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
Arlington Wa. USA
Emails sent.

BTW, what is up with this archery, black powder, modern rifle seasons. In AK the season opens, you shoot something and you go home. It doesn't matter what you are shooting.

Thanks for the email. That SUCKY system has been with us for over 27 years. Before about 1982 it was as is in Ak. Many things are not as I would like to see them,but I could see them getting much worse if the political system in this state gets ahold of it.
Lately, they came up with multiple season permits which bring in $5 for every chance someone (not me) takes.....and if you get one you can pay about $150 for it. Can you say $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!
Nov 26, 2007
Everett, Wa.
Email sent. After reading the bill digest I see the Tribes are given a strong seat at the table and the commissioners will be just window dressing with the Director appointed by the governor bassically in charge. Swampy:eek::eek::mad:


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
Arlington Wa. USA
Not even my Rep.....but my first reply......


RE: Vote NO on SSB 5127‏
From: Marshall, Cheryl (Marshall.Cheryl@leg.wa.gov)
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: Wed 3/11/09 12:11 PM

SenatorMarch 11, 2009 Re: SSB 5127 Relating to the governance of the department of fish and wildlife. Thank you for your email in opposition to SSB 5127. I will be voting "no." Best Wishes, Pam RoachState Senator -


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
Arlington Wa. USA

Thank you for your email regarding SSB5127. I voted against this bill when it passed the Senate on March 12. This bill will be sent to the House and likely will be referred to the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. Attached is a copy of the Senate Bill Report on this bill. Please feel free to stay in contact with my office for updates on this legislation. Senator Val Stevens


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
Arlington Wa. USA
The latest alert.

By now I’m sure you have received multiple messages from CCA and are fully aware of the dangerous Senate Bill 5127, which would gut the Fish and Wildlife Commission. This bill passed out of the Senate last week and is now assigned to the House Natural Resources Committee. CCA is leading the opposition to this dangerous legislation and we need your help.

Unlike our prior Action Alerts, this message is only going to select CCA members and supporters that live in the districts with representatives who serve on this committee. You are receiving this message because your state representative is part of the 13-member Natural Resource committee.

For more background information on this issue, please visit our website and review the Briefing Document on SB5127 posted on the homepage.

To quickly send a pre-drafted message to your state Representative, please click on the link below. As always, please consider adding some personal comments to the text to increase its effectiveness with your representative.

Remember, government (and our fish and wildlife resources) goes to those who show up.

Click the link below to take action on this issue.:


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
Arlington Wa. USA

This letter is being written in response to a communication put out to hunters across Washington State by, or at least signed by, the Executive Committee of the Hunters Heritage Council (HHC). I’m responding to this communication because it contains information and opinion that are not only false but potentially very damaging to Washington’s wildlife management and the management of habitats that support these animals. It has taken the current Fish and Wildlife Commission nearly four years to develop and implement policies, goals and objective that move the Department in a positive direction relative to the management of these resources.

Until January 2008, the Department never had meaningful measurable goals and objectives for managing the state’s game herds since the merger of Departments of Fish and Game. As an example, the current Commission set goals for the Department that focus on getting all 10 elk herds in the state to their respective target population objectives. Currently, six of 10 fall short of their objective. Likewise, there are measures for other wildlife species and fish. These goals and objectives are public information and can be accessed through the Commission secretary in Olympia. The Commission has consistently focused on improving the performance of the Department of Fish and Wildlife, especially in areas where we believed that the Department has not performed well.

During my years on the Commission, I and other Commissioners felt that the Department’s Wildlife Program had serious problems and needed strategic direction. In its role as policy setting body for the Department, the Commission reviews and approves the long term strategy for wildlife—the Wildlife Management Plan. That plan is updated every six years. We were asked to approve a Plan prepared for 2008. The Commission did not approve the first three drafts of this document because it lacked action steps, goals, and other critical details to assure accountability and wildlife herd improvements. The Commission’s Wildlife Committee spent long hours repeatedly making comments to see that the Plan would provide the substantive guidance needed by the Wildlife Biologists to improve wildlife conditions over the next six years. The Six year Wildlife Management Plan now insures that the Department is held accountable for positive trends in wildlife management.

Another area of emphasis by the current Fish and Wildlife Commission has been public education and communication. The Department has made some improvements in this area but there is still a long way to go. There are goals and objectives for these activities that the Commission is monitoring and pressing the interim Director to achieve. The Department’s record in developing working relationships with sports organizations, schools and universities and other stakeholder groups needs to be greatly improved. Again, this has been a continuing emphasis of the Commission on the Department's leadership. Publicly available goals and objectives and policy statements are available for those that would like to examine them and even input to them.

The accusation in the HHC communication that citizens testifying before the Commission are treated poorly and that their input is rarely reflected in decisions is simply not true. When I chaired the Commission, I asked people to cease their testimony only when their allotted time had ended. In rare instances, citizens testifying before the Commission were argumentative and asked to cease their testimony. These occasions occurred very infrequently. Generally, public comments are heard, appreciated and the speakers thanked by the Commission. Further, between Commission meetings, Commissioners spend a lot of time reading e-mails and letters and answering telephone calls from interested constituents. These communications are also weighed into discussions leading up to policy development. The access to decision makers now provided by the Commission process will be essentially eliminated if SSB 5127 passes.

The HHC document indicates that there were “several instances where members of the Commission have, or are, engaged in rule making-related activity that attacks one user group over another.” Frankly, who ever authored this statement needs to be held accountable for it. It's not true!

The inference that Fish and Wildlife Commissioners intimidate staff and manipulate regulations for their personal agendas is a strong charge and cannot be substantiated, to my knowledge. However, there have been times when individual Commissioners have known that the truth was not accurately provided by staff . Biased wildlife staff presentations including errors of omission and /or commission are a serious concern for the Commission. Staff presentations should always be accurate, unbiased and credible to provide solid foundation for policy development. Some Legislators have made it known to the Commission that they see this as an issue which threatens the integrity of the process. At times, Commissioners have expressed their frustration to staff and have discussed this problem with the Director. I don't consider that as intimidation or manipulation. Rather, the examples above high light some of the wildlife staff problems that need to be remedied.

Currently, the Commission has nine member positions, when fully staffed. Given the diversity and complexity of wildlife and fish issues in Washington and the population of the state (6.8mm), the workload is more than full for the members of this volunteer Commission. The incumbents are citizens of the state with diverse interests and experience. They work hard to understand the many diverse issues associated with wildlife and fish management and are committed to doing the best job possible in developing policies and guidance for the Department.

Actions of the current Commission have, in general, been very positive for the hunting community, although not always apparent and high profile. If SB 5127 is passed and the Commission responsibility and authority over the Director reduced, hunters will be extremely disappointed in the results. Since 1995, Referendum 45 has provided an opportunity for “the voice of the people” and it is misleading and irresponsible to insinuate otherwise. While not perfect, I believe that the current Commission system is a far more effective policy and guidance approach for the Department than placement of the agency in the Governor's Cabinet. It is, in fact, vastly more responsive to wildlife and fish issues and to the people of Washington than a Director appointed by and accountable only to the Governor ever could be. Think about it! That is why this People's Referendum passed by a sizable margin (For – 809,083, Against – 517,433) in November, 1995.

If SB 5127 passes and policy and Director reporting are placed with the Governor's office, subsequent policy development for fish and wildlife will be strongly influenced by tribal and commercial fishing interests and as hunters, you should understand those implications. Further, the Governor's staff currently is anti-hunting. Will any of these groups (tribal, commercial fishery, or Governor's staff ) advance the interests of the non-tribal hunting community in Washington?

Lastly, I'd like to discuss why the HHC communication supporting SB5127 was really brought to the hunting community for support. Senator Jacobsen, Chair of the Senate Ocean and Natural Resources Committee, has opposed the current Commission since it was appointed by Governor Gregoire in 2005. From the beginning of my term, the Senator viewed our Commission as a threat to the dominance of the commercial fishery in Washington The Senator has a number of constituents in the Ballard area that are commercial fishermen or otherwise vested in that industry. In 2008, the Commission worked to resolve Salmon fishing issues between recreational and commercial fishers on the Columbia River. The result of this work was a move in toward conservation of wild salmon that did not set well with commercial fishers. This inspired Senator Jacobsen to develop legislation in the form of SB 5127. By reducing the Commissions responsibility/authority through SB 5127, he is securing the interests of the commercial fishing industry. The Bill, as written, would restrict or eliminate public input on wildlife management and recreational fishing issues. Future policy would be directed out of the Governor's Office and influenced primary by input from the Governor's anti hunting staff, tribes and commercial fishing interests.

Unfortunately, whoever drafted this biased and untruthful communication that the HHC Executive Committee has signed and distributed has appealed to the hunting community to act against the very things that it wants to see from the Department and the Commission. I ask you to strongly consider distributing this message to set the record straight. The person/persons that provided input to the content of the HHC letter had an alternative purpose in mind and that was to protect the Senator’s special interest clients and advance the tribe’s agenda by stripping the Commission's authority. It was not intended to improve the agenda of the hunting community or wildlife. If SB 5127 passes the Director will be selected by the Governor and be directed by a governor's staff that is generally less informed about wildlife and fish issues) as well as pressured by strong tribal influence and the commercial fishery interests in Washington. Contact your senator and representatives today as well as Governor Gregoire. NO ON SB 5127!

I'd be happy to discuss any part of this or other issues relating to the Department or the Commission of Fish and Wildlife.

Jerry Gutzwiler
Immediate past Chair, DFW Commission
Prior Commissioner
Ph. Edited by poster
e-mail: jrgutzwiler@genext.net


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
Arlington Wa. USA
HERE is what he was responding to

Jerry Gutzwilers response to the HHC letter approving 5127
« on: March 18, 2009, 10:21:41 AM » Quote

First of all, most of you dont know, but HHC-Pac Board that represents Washingtonians for Wildlife Conservation, took a unanimous vote to support the original SSB5127 on March 1,2009 Please do not contact those organizations. They have already been contacted and have begun to do their will. I want to ADD that most of the groups on the list did not know about the HHC vote and letter.
Jerrys and a brother belong to one of those groups. There are other influential members of conservation groups who are members of other groups. They already know what Jerry knows.

(Feel free to Share)
Nov 26, 2007
Covington, WA
Doo Dawg,

Thanks for your efforts!

I think you should post this in the Washington thread as most people never look at fouled plug. You might see a little bit(hing but we might get more help from Washingtonians.

Thanks again and I sent my letter - Eric


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
Arlington Wa. USA
Doo Dawg,

Thanks for your efforts!

I think you should post this in the Washington thread as most people never look at fouled plug. You might see a little bit(hing but we might get more help from Washingtonians.

Thanks again and I sent my letter - Eric

Seems we did it for now.....paste from huntingwa........



Posts: 19

Good News for the Commission, but dont fall asleep
« on: Yesterday at 03:50:18 PM » Quote


Reged: 09/21/05
Posts: 36
Loc: Snohomish Co.
5127 language stripped and 1778 passed
#374124 - 04/15/09 08:55 AM

In case you have not heard, SHB 1778 passed out of the Senate yesterday without the Jacobsen 5127 language. Yea! (It was stripped out after Senator Zarelli challenged the amendment on the grounds it went beyond the scope of the title.

With 1778, sporties will pay a 10% surcharge on licenses for the next two years but overall, this is great news.

Thanks to all who wrote and spoke up against the 5127 B.S.

Should we all thank Zarelli?
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