Well-known member
Avalanche Rescue Training
Specifically for snowmobilers
Specifically for snowmobilers
at Quadna Mountain Park. Hill City, MN
Learn the skills to save lives.
-Avalanche beacon training.
-Single & multiple burials.
-Avalanche rescue techniques.
-Be effective and efficient.
-Find the exact location.
-Rescue scenarios.
-Learn the skills to run a rescue.
This class will give you hands-on experience
in avalanche rescue.
Date: January 24th or 25th.in avalanche rescue.
Location: Quadna Mountain Park. Hill City, MN www.quadnamountainpark.com
Time: Class is four hours. Four different times available.
Saturday 8am-noon or 1pm-5pm, Sunday 8am-noon or 1pm-5pm
Cost: $79 per person. All equipment provided.
Bring your own beacon, shovel and probe if you have it. Dress warm!
Instructor: Mike Duffy. Level I & II Avalanche instructor Colorado Mountain College, rescue/avalanche team leader/avalanche mission coordinator Vail Mountain Rescue Group, instructor Walter Kirch Avalanche Seminars, graduate of National Avalanche School, National Academy of Winter Guiding. Mountain Snowmobiler for 20 years. Member American Avalanche Association.
To sign up: Email: duffyww1@aol.com or call 970-390-9433.
Bring your sled, there’s great riding in the area. Stay in Grand Rapids. www.visitgrandrapids.com