09 Ltd m1000 snopro speedwerx y-pipe, pipe & can Bd box & koso egt guage.
Ran this sled today with 87 octane put various fuel maps from rich to lean i found when my clutch side egt reading would be lets say reading 900 degress & can side 400 degress it would bog like crazy,when the numbers were within 50 degress of each other say 800 & 850 degress it would clear itself up and pull hard. Note, all this testing was done on the trails as there was no way this thug was climbing anything, any one no the Boondocker settings for the following elevations 1000-4000, 4000-8000,8000-10000. I live on Vancouver island so we unload @ 1000ft My 08 did the very same thing and i was only running y-pipe,can & bmp fuel reg it also ran like S_ _ _ at lower elevation. i have been following the 08 bog thread seems like every one there is just as frusturated this is starting to really p me off any help would be great.
Ran this sled today with 87 octane put various fuel maps from rich to lean i found when my clutch side egt reading would be lets say reading 900 degress & can side 400 degress it would bog like crazy,when the numbers were within 50 degress of each other say 800 & 850 degress it would clear itself up and pull hard. Note, all this testing was done on the trails as there was no way this thug was climbing anything, any one no the Boondocker settings for the following elevations 1000-4000, 4000-8000,8000-10000. I live on Vancouver island so we unload @ 1000ft My 08 did the very same thing and i was only running y-pipe,can & bmp fuel reg it also ran like S_ _ _ at lower elevation. i have been following the 08 bog thread seems like every one there is just as frusturated this is starting to really p me off any help would be great.