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This is the real deal. Stay off Hills.

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5.00 star(s)


That is freaky sent chills down my back:eek::eek::eek: did you see how easy that small slab fell out
Jan 4, 2002
GREAT POST sledhead! I gave it a 5 star rating. I think this will be the worst year for avalanches in years. (I hope I'm wrong) There are so many new, inexperienced riders out there on newer machines than can go anywhere and this younger generation seems to be fearless. It may be because of websites like youtube where you can see yourself on the WWW doing some incredible jumps and climbs. I think the Snowmobile manufactures should be required to show a basic "Avalanche Safety Video" to all buyers of snowmobiles, just like they have to show a safety video for ATV buyers.


GREAT POST sledhead! I gave it a 5 star rating. I think this will be the worst year for avalanches in years. (I hope I'm wrong) There are so many new, inexperienced riders out there on newer machines than can go anywhere and this younger generation seems to be fearless. It may be because of websites like youtube where you can see yourself on the WWW doing some incredible jumps and climbs. I think the Snowmobile manufactures should be required to show a basic "Avalanche Safety Video" to all buyers of snowmobiles, just like they have to show a safety video for ATV buyers.

I agree with you 100% I have been riding fifteen years and I still 2nd guess my self.I have been up with guy who just got a m1000 and I come around a bend and he is climbing a hill I would have never even considered. Sleds are getting more powerful and people are getting dumber. If you are a new rider ride with experienced people or stay off the hills we don't need more people giving sledders bad reps about how many of us die in avy's every year. We learned that very quickly last year.:(:(:(


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
South Jordan, Utah
Great reminder, we're all chomp'n at the bit to hit this pow hard, stay away from the hills...period. I personally saw some no-brainer riding:mad: last New Years Eve about 1 mile from were that avy killed the fellow from Altamont (this guy was not one of them, just happened to be parked at the bottom of a slope that slid over his group, sad). I honestly think some people are clueless with this stuff, please pass on the word, even if you come upon a group that seem to be risking lives...so much can be done to stop avy deaths.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2008
Union Bench, Utah
The Drift

I'm thinking the Ice Storm missed "Fairview -Skyline" area. Gonna ride the rest of the year at the Drift and play it safe. That video was a real eye opener! :cool:

Sledhead Ut -Thanks for Posting!!

Peace Out,

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Layton, Utah
wow, that's crazy stuff.
Hey do any of you guys know of any avy classes given around Northern Utah. I have seen a few offered but they have been out of state.
I ride up farmington 95% of the time. I do ride with experienced riders and we are always very cachous about avy's.

Also, because of the layer of ice a ways down as shown in the video. Is that going to effect us all season long or atleast until everything slides once? any input on this anyone?
Jan 4, 2002
wow, that's crazy stuff.
Hey do any of you guys know of any avy classes given around Northern Utah. I have seen a few offered but they have been out of state.
I ride up farmington 95% of the time. I do ride with experienced riders and we are always very cachous about avy's.

Also, because of the layer of ice a ways down as shown in the video. Is that going to effect us all season long or atleast until everything slides once? any input on this anyone?

It will definitely affect this area all season. There is no way the snow above the ice layer can "Bind" with one another, no matter how long is settles.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Oct 4, 2005
Herriman, Utah
Great Post. Thanks for the reminder.
I just sent this to all my buddies that never get on here. Very Dangerous right now.

Oh yeah Fairview might be ok this yea but there is still not much snow down there yet. Only 12" at our cabin at 9000 ft. May not have any avy's yet but there will be lots of rocks. Can't tell ya for sure though because we haven't even been there since before thanksgiving. Could have still driven to it just a week ago. Just checking the snotel and cabin cameras. Well when ours works, it been on and off lately.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 21, 2007
Salt Lake City
It will definitely affect this area all season. There is no way the snow above the ice layer can "Bind" with one another, no matter how long is settles.

Not necessarily true. That icy layer and the "facets" are generally destroyed in the slide. However this ice layer in the wasatch is pretty thick... it will be interesting to see what happens...

An important thing to note is that there are many places which didnt have that much snow over thanksgiving and hence no ice layer. For best results dig your own pit in your riding area and see if that layer does in face exist. I would say any north facing slope over 9000 feet probably has that layer, but you never know...

I believe there is an avalanche class in park city december 23rd from 6-9pm...

Jan 4, 2002
Phatty, I'm not saying that this condition will not improve with some time but it will be a week layer for the rest of the season. I remember about 4 years ago we had a very similar situation. I did most of my riding in the Fairview area and there were several slides that year and every one of them was down to the dirt because of that first ice layer. There were slides all year long and we disciplned ourselves to stay off the steep hills that year. One of my riding partners was buried in a slide near Radio Tower a few years ago when the avalanche danger was low on that day. He hit a small hill that had been pounded all year and it finally broke loose. He was buried for thirty minutes before he was rescued. They had to perform CPR on him three times to keep him alive before Life Flight arrived. Needles to say, his personality will never be the same. I had left that group 15 minutes before that because they were parked at Co-Op and I was parked at Strawberry River. That day changed the way I will ride the steeps hills forever. We still climb depending on the conditions but we spend much more time boondocking now.

Rock Star

Well-known member
Mar 29, 2008
Park City, Utah
any and all discussion on this is good. It makes people think. I suggest sending this link to anyone you know who plays in the back counrty in any fashion.
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